IOOS Registry - API

The registry exposes an API based on Restivus to allow users to automatically trigger a harvest job. This is useful for users that wish to integrate the IOOS registry into an automated workflow.

API v1

The version one API contains all the public accessor methods.


Note: the Harvests in the URL needs to be capitalized.

This endpoint accepts HTTP GET requests and responds with the JSON listing of each Harvest document and metadata associated with that harvest.

Here’s an example with curl:


A response looks like:

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
      "_id": "n3N6xBLyZIs9LGwEF",
      "harvest_type": "WAF",
      "name": "PacIOOS WAF",
      "url": "",
      "publish": true,
      "harvest_interval": 1,
      "organization": "PacIOOS",
      "last_harvest_dt": "2017-04-27T00:05:01.717Z",
      "ckan_harvest_url": "",
      "last_record_count": 802,
      "last_good_count": 801,
      "last_bad_count": 1,
      "last_harvest_status": "ok"

API v2


In order to generate an API token with the registry you must authenticate yourself. The endpoint accepts HTTP posts with the following parameters:

  • email - The user’s email used for logging in
  • password - This can be either a hashed password using sha256 or plaintext
  • hashed - set to true if using the sha256 hashed password in the password field.

Here’s an example with curl:

curl -i -d '' -XPOST

Sending a plaintext password is highly discouraged.

The response from the server will be an authentication token that can be used in other API requests:

{ status: "success", data: {authToken: "f2KpRW7KeN9aPmjSZ", userId: "fbdpsNf4oHiX79vMJ"} }


This API endpoint is used to invalidate an exisitng Authentication Token.

The endpoint is an authenticated endpoint and requires the following HTTP headers to be set:

  • X-Auth-Token - The authentication token obtained from login
  • X-User-Id - The User ID obtained from login

Here’s an example with curl:

curl -H “X-Auth-Token: f2KpRW7KeN9aPmjSZ” -H “X-User-Id: fbdpsNf4oHiX79vMJ” -i


This API endpoint will initiate a new harvest job for the harvest object with the identifier matching <harvest_id>.

The endpoint is an authenticated endpoint and requires the following HTTP headers to be set:

  • X-Auth-Token - The authentication token obtained from login
  • X-User-Id - The User ID obtained from login

Here’s an example with curl:

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: f2KpRW7KeN9aPmjSZ" -H "X-User-Id: fbdpsNf4oHiX79vMJ" -i