Source code for compliance_checker.acdd

Checks for the Attribute Conventions for Dataset Discovery (ACDD)

This module contains classes defined as checks part of the compliance checker
project for the verification and scoring of attributes for datasets.

from datetime import timedelta
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import pendulum
from cftime import num2pydate
from pygeoif import from_wkt

from compliance_checker import cfutil
from compliance_checker.base import (
from import _possiblexunits, _possibleyunits
from compliance_checker.util import dateparse, datetime_is_iso, kvp_convert

[docs] class ACDDBaseCheck(BaseCheck): _cc_spec = "acdd" _cc_description = "Attribute Conventions for Dataset Discovery (ACDD)" _cc_url = "" _cc_display_headers = {3: "Highly Recommended", 2: "Recommended", 1: "Suggested"}
[docs] def __init__(self): self.high_rec_atts = ["title", "keywords", "summary"] self.rec_atts = [ "id", "naming_authority", "history", "comment", "date_created", "creator_name", "creator_url", "creator_email", "institution", "project", "processing_level", ("geospatial_bounds", self.verify_geospatial_bounds), "geospatial_lat_min", "geospatial_lat_max", "geospatial_lon_min", "geospatial_lon_max", "geospatial_vertical_min", "geospatial_vertical_max", "time_coverage_start", "time_coverage_end", "time_coverage_duration", "time_coverage_resolution", "standard_name_vocabulary", "license", ] self.sug_atts = [ "contributor_name", "contributor_role", "date_modified", "date_issued", "geospatial_lat_units", "geospatial_lat_resolution", "geospatial_lon_units", "geospatial_lon_resolution", "geospatial_vertical_units", "geospatial_vertical_resolution", ] # This variable is used to cache the results of applicable variables so # the method isn't executed repeatedly. self._applicable_variables = None # to be used to format variable Result groups headers self._var_header = 'variable "{}" missing the following attributes:'
# set up attributes according to version
[docs] @check_has(BaseCheck.HIGH, gname="Global Attributes") def check_high(self, ds): """ Performs a check on each highly recommended attributes' existence in the dataset :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ return self.high_rec_atts
[docs] @check_has(BaseCheck.LOW, gname="Global Attributes") def check_suggested(self, ds): """ Performs a check on each suggested attributes' existence in the dataset :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ return self.sug_atts
[docs] def get_applicable_variables(self, ds): """ Returns a list of variable names that are applicable to ACDD Metadata Checks for variables. This includes geophysical and coordinate variables only. :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ if self._applicable_variables is None: self.applicable_variables = cfutil.get_geophysical_variables(ds) varname = cfutil.get_time_variable(ds) # avoid duplicates by checking if already present if varname and (varname not in self.applicable_variables): self.applicable_variables.append(varname) varname = cfutil.get_lon_variable(ds) if varname and (varname not in self.applicable_variables): self.applicable_variables.append(varname) varname = cfutil.get_lat_variable(ds) if varname and (varname not in self.applicable_variables): self.applicable_variables.append(varname) varname = cfutil.get_z_variable(ds) if varname and (varname not in self.applicable_variables): self.applicable_variables.append(varname) return self.applicable_variables
[docs] def check_var_long_name(self, ds): """ Checks each applicable variable for the long_name attribute :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ results = [] # ACDD Variable Metadata applies to all coordinate variables and # geophysical variables only. for variable in self.get_applicable_variables(ds): msgs = [] long_name = getattr(ds.variables[variable], "long_name", None) check = long_name is not None if not check: msgs.append("long_name") results.append( Result(BaseCheck.HIGH, check, self._var_header.format(variable), msgs), ) return results
[docs] def check_var_standard_name(self, ds): """ Checks each applicable variable for the standard_name attribute :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ results = [] for variable in self.get_applicable_variables(ds): msgs = [] std_name = getattr(ds.variables[variable], "standard_name", None) check = std_name is not None if not check: msgs.append("standard_name") results.append( Result(BaseCheck.HIGH, check, self._var_header.format(variable), msgs), ) return results
[docs] def check_var_units(self, ds): """ Checks each applicable variable for the units attribute :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ results = [] for variable in self.get_applicable_variables(ds): msgs = [] # Check units and dims for variable unit_check = hasattr(ds.variables[variable], "units") no_dim_check = ds.variables[variable].dimensions == () # Check if we have no dimensions. If no dims, skip test if no_dim_check: continue # Check if we have no units if not unit_check: msgs.append("units") results.append( Result( BaseCheck.HIGH, unit_check, self._var_header.format(variable), msgs, ), ) return results
[docs] def check_acknowledgment(self, ds): """ Check if acknowledgment/acknowledgment attribute is present. Because acknowledgement has its own check, we are keeping it out of the Global Attributes (even though it is a Global Attr). :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ check = False messages = [] if hasattr(ds, "acknowledgment") or hasattr(ds, "acknowledgement"): check = True else: messages.append("acknowledgment/acknowledgement not present") # name="Global Attributes" so gets grouped with Global Attributes return Result(BaseCheck.MEDIUM, check, "Global Attributes", msgs=messages)
[docs] def check_lat_extents(self, ds): """ Check that the values of geospatial_lat_min/geospatial_lat_max approximately match the data. :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ if not (hasattr(ds, "geospatial_lat_min") or hasattr(ds, "geospatial_lat_max")): return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, "geospatial_lat_extents_match", ["geospatial_lat_min/max attribute not found, CF-1.6 spec chapter 4.1"], ) try: # type cast lat_min = float(ds.geospatial_lat_min) lat_max = float(ds.geospatial_lat_max) except ValueError: return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, "geospatial_lat_extents_match", [ f"Could not convert one of geospatial_lat_min ({ds.geospatial_lat_min}) or max ({ds.geospatial_lat_max}) to float see CF-1.6 spec chapter 4.1" "", ], ) # identify lat var(s) as per CF 4.1 lat_vars = {} # var -> number of criteria passed for var in ds.variables.values(): # must have units if not hasattr(var, "units"): continue lat_vars[var] = 0 # units in this set if var.units in _possibleyunits: lat_vars[var] += 1 # standard name of "latitude" if hasattr(var, "standard_name") and var.standard_name == "latitude": lat_vars[var] += 1 # axis of "Y" if hasattr(var, "axis") and var.axis == "Y": lat_vars[var] += 1 # trim out any zeros lat_vars = {k: v for k, v in lat_vars.items() if v > 0} if len(lat_vars) == 0: return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, "geospatial_lat_extents_match", [ "Could not find lat variable to test extent of geospatial_lat_min/max, see CF-1.6 spec chapter 4.1", ], ) # sort by criteria passed final_lats = sorted(lat_vars, key=lambda x: lat_vars[x], reverse=True) obs_mins = { var._name: np.nanmin(var) for var in final_lats if not np.isnan(var).all() } obs_maxs = { var._name: np.nanmax(var) for var in final_lats if not np.isnan(var).all() } min_pass = any(np.isclose(lat_min, min_val) for min_val in obs_mins.values()) max_pass = any(np.isclose(lat_max, max_val) for max_val in obs_maxs.values()) allpass = sum((min_pass, max_pass)) msgs = [] if not min_pass: msgs.append( f"Data for possible latitude variables ({obs_mins}) did not match geospatial_lat_min value ({lat_min})", ) if not max_pass: msgs.append( f"Data for possible latitude variables ({obs_maxs}) did not match geospatial_lat_max value ({lat_max})", ) return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, (allpass, 2), "geospatial_lat_extents_match", msgs, )
[docs] def check_lon_extents(self, ds): """ Check that the values of geospatial_lon_min/geospatial_lon_max approximately match the data. :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ if not ( hasattr(ds, "geospatial_lon_min") and hasattr(ds, "geospatial_lon_max") ): return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, "geospatial_lon_extents_match", ["geospatial_lon_min/max attribute not found, CF-1.6 spec chapter 4.1"], ) try: # type cast lon_min = float(ds.geospatial_lon_min) lon_max = float(ds.geospatial_lon_max) except ValueError: return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, "geospatial_lon_extents_match", [ f"Could not convert one of geospatial_lon_min ({ds.geospatial_lon_min}) or max ({ds.geospatial_lon_max}) to float see CF-1.6 spec chapter 4.1" "", ], ) # identify lon var(s) as per CF 4.2 lon_vars = {} # var -> number of criteria passed for var in ds.variables.values(): # must have units if not hasattr(var, "units"): continue lon_vars[var] = 0 # units in this set if var.units in _possiblexunits: lon_vars[var] += 1 # standard name of "longitude" if hasattr(var, "standard_name") and var.standard_name == "longitude": lon_vars[var] += 1 # axis of "Y" if hasattr(var, "axis") and var.axis == "X": lon_vars[var] += 1 # trim out any zeros lon_vars = {k: v for k, v in lon_vars.items() if v > 0} if len(lon_vars) == 0: return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, "geospatial_lon_extents_match", [ "Could not find lon variable to test extent of geospatial_lon_min/max, see CF-1.6 spec chapter 4.2", ], ) # sort by criteria passed final_lons = sorted(lon_vars, key=lambda x: lon_vars[x], reverse=True) obs_mins = { var._name: np.nanmin(var) for var in final_lons if not np.isnan(var).all() } obs_maxs = { var._name: np.nanmax(var) for var in final_lons if not np.isnan(var).all() } min_pass = any(np.isclose(lon_min, min_val) for min_val in obs_mins.values()) max_pass = any(np.isclose(lon_max, max_val) for max_val in obs_maxs.values()) allpass = sum((min_pass, max_pass)) msgs = [] if not min_pass: msgs.append( f"Data for possible longitude variables ({obs_mins}) did not match geospatial_lon_min value ({lon_min})", ) if not max_pass: msgs.append( f"Data for possible longitude variables ({obs_maxs}) did not match geospatial_lon_max value ({lon_max})", ) return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, (allpass, 2), "geospatial_lon_extents_match", msgs, )
[docs] def verify_geospatial_bounds(self, ds): """Checks that the geospatial bounds is well formed OGC WKT""" var = getattr(ds, "geospatial_bounds", None) check = var is not None if not check: return ratable_result( False, "Global Attributes", # grouped with Globals ["geospatial_bounds not present"], ) try: # TODO: verify that WKT is valid given CRS (defaults to EPSG:4326 # in ACDD. from_wkt(ds.geospatial_bounds) except AttributeError: return ratable_result( False, "Global Attributes", # grouped with Globals [ ( "Could not parse WKT from geospatial_bounds," f' possible bad value: "{ds.geospatial_bounds}"' ), ], variable_name="geospatial_bounds", ) # parsed OK else: return ratable_result(True, "Global Attributes", ())
def _check_total_z_extents(self, ds, z_variable): """ Check the entire array of Z for minimum and maximum and compare that to the vertical extents defined in the global attributes :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset :param str z_variable: Name of the variable representing the Z-Axis """ msgs = [] total = 2 try: vert_min = float(ds.geospatial_vertical_min) except ValueError: msgs.append("geospatial_vertical_min cannot be cast to float") try: vert_max = float(ds.geospatial_vertical_max) except ValueError: msgs.append("geospatial_vertical_max cannot be cast to float") if len(msgs) > 0: return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, (0, total), "geospatial_vertical_extents_match", msgs, ) zvalue = ds.variables[z_variable][:] # If the array has fill values, which is allowed in the case of point # features if hasattr(zvalue, "mask"): zvalue = zvalue[~zvalue.mask] if zvalue.size == 0: msgs.append( "Cannot compare geospatial vertical extents " "against min/max of data, as non-masked data " "length is zero", ) return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, (0, total), "geospatial_vertical_extents_match", msgs, ) else: zmin = zvalue.min() zmax = zvalue.max() if not np.isclose(vert_min, zmin): msgs.append( f"geospatial_vertical_min != min({z_variable}) values, {vert_min} != {zmin}", ) if not np.isclose(vert_max, zmax): msgs.append( f"geospatial_vertical_max != max({z_variable}) values, {vert_min} != {zmax}", ) return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, (total - len(msgs), total), "geospatial_vertical_extents_match", msgs, ) def _check_scalar_vertical_extents(self, ds, z_variable): """ Check the scalar value of Z compared to the vertical extents which should also be equivalent :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset :param str z_variable: Name of the variable representing the Z-Axis """ vert_min = ds.geospatial_vertical_min vert_max = ds.geospatial_vertical_max msgs = [] total = 2 zvalue = ds.variables[z_variable][:].item() if not np.isclose(vert_min, vert_max): msgs.append( f"geospatial_vertical_min != geospatial_vertical_max for scalar depth values, {vert_min} != {vert_max}", ) if not np.isclose(vert_max, zvalue): msgs.append( f"geospatial_vertical_max != {z_variable} values, {vert_max} != {zvalue}", ) return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, (total - len(msgs), total), "geospatial_vertical_extents_match", msgs, )
[docs] def check_vertical_extents(self, ds): """ Check that the values of geospatial_vertical_min/geospatial_vertical_max approximately match the data. :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ if not ( hasattr(ds, "geospatial_vertical_min") and hasattr(ds, "geospatial_vertical_max") ): return z_variable = cfutil.get_z_variable(ds) if not z_variable: return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, "geospatial_vertical_extents_match", [ "Could not find vertical variable to test extent of geospatial_vertical_min/geospatial_vertical_max, see CF-1.6 spec chapter 4.3", ], ) if ds.variables[z_variable].dimensions == (): return self._check_scalar_vertical_extents(ds, z_variable) return self._check_total_z_extents(ds, z_variable)
[docs] def check_time_extents(self, ds): """ Check that the values of time_coverage_start/time_coverage_end approximately match the data. """ if not ( hasattr(ds, "time_coverage_start") and hasattr(ds, "time_coverage_end") ): return # Parse the ISO 8601 formatted dates try: t_min = dateparse(ds.time_coverage_start) t_max = dateparse(ds.time_coverage_end) except (TypeError, pendulum.parsing.exceptions.ParserError): return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, "time_coverage_extents_match", [ "time_coverage attributes are not formatted properly. Use the ISO 8601:2004 date format, preferably the extended format.", ], ) timevar = cfutil.get_time_variable(ds) if not timevar: return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, "time_coverage_extents_match", [ "Could not find time variable to test extent of time_coverage_start/time_coverage_end, see CF-1.6 spec chapter 4.4", ], ) # Time should be monotonically increasing, so we make that assumption here so we don't have to download THE ENTIRE ARRAY try: # num2date returns as naive date, but with time adjusted to UTC # we need to attach timezone information here, or the date # subtraction from t_min/t_max will assume that a naive timestamp is # in the same time zone and cause erroneous results. # Pendulum uses UTC by default, but we are being explicit here time0 = pendulum.instance( num2pydate(ds.variables[timevar][0], ds.variables[timevar].units), "UTC", ) time1 = pendulum.instance( num2pydate(ds.variables[timevar][-1], ds.variables[timevar].units), "UTC", ) except ValueError: return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, "time_coverage_extents_match", ["Failed to retrieve and convert times for variables %s." % timevar], ) start_dt = abs(time0 - t_min) end_dt = abs(time1 - t_max) score = 2 msgs = [] if start_dt > timedelta(hours=1): msgs.append( "Date time mismatch between time_coverage_start and actual " f"time values {t_min.isoformat()} (time_coverage_start) != {time0.isoformat()} (time[0])", ) score -= 1 if end_dt > timedelta(hours=1): msgs.append( "Date time mismatch between time_coverage_end and actual " f"time values {t_max.isoformat()} (time_coverage_end) != {time1.isoformat()} (time[N])", ) score -= 1 return Result(BaseCheck.MEDIUM, (score, 2), "time_coverage_extents_match", msgs)
[docs] def verify_convention_version(self, ds): """ Verify that the version in the Conventions field is correct """ try: for convention in ( getattr(ds, "Conventions", "").replace(" ", "").split(",") ): if convention == "ACDD-" + self._cc_spec_version: return ratable_result( (2, 2), None, [], ) # name=None so grouped with Globals # if no/wrong ACDD convention, return appropriate result # Result will have name "Global Attributes" to group with globals m = [f"Conventions does not contain 'ACDD-{self._cc_spec_version}'"] return ratable_result((1, 2), "Global Attributes", m) except AttributeError: # NetCDF attribute not found m = [ f"No Conventions attribute present; must contain ACDD-{self._cc_spec_version}", ] # Result will have name "Global Attributes" to group with globals return ratable_result((0, 2), "Global Attributes", m)
[docs] class ACDDNCCheck(BaseNCCheck, ACDDBaseCheck): pass
[docs] class ACDD1_1Check(ACDDNCCheck): _cc_spec_version = "1.1" _cc_description = "Attribute Conventions for Dataset Discovery (ACDD) 1.1" register_checker = True
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.rec_atts.extend(["keywords_vocabulary"]) self.sug_atts.extend( [ "publisher_name", # publisher,dataCenter "publisher_url", # publisher "publisher_email", # publisher "geospatial_vertical_positive", ], )
[docs] class ACDD1_3Check(ACDDNCCheck): _cc_spec_version = "1.3" _cc_description = "Attribute Conventions for Dataset Discovery (ACDD) 1.3" register_checker = True
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.high_rec_atts.extend([("Conventions", self.verify_convention_version)]) self.rec_atts.extend( [ "geospatial_vertical_positive", "geospatial_bounds_crs", "geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs", "publisher_name", # publisher,dataCenter "publisher_url", # publisher "publisher_email", # publisher "source", ], ) self.sug_atts.extend( [ ("creator_type", ["person", "group", "institution", "position"]), "creator_institution", "platform", "platform_vocabulary", "keywords_vocabulary", "instrument", "metadata_link", "product_version", "references", ("publisher_type", ["person", "group", "institution", "position"]), "instrument_vocabulary", "date_metadata_modified", "program", "publisher_institution", ], ) # override the ISO date checks in def _check_attr_is_iso_date(attr, ds): result_name = f"{attr}_is_iso" if not hasattr(ds, attr): return ratable_result( (0, 2), result_name, [f"Attr {attr} is not present"], ) else: iso_check, msgs = datetime_is_iso(getattr(ds, attr)) return ratable_result((1 + iso_check, 2), result_name, msgs) # run ISO 8601 date checks against the date_created, date_issued, # date_modified, and date_metadata_modified global attributes self.rec_atts = kvp_convert(self.rec_atts) self.rec_atts["date_created"] = partial(_check_attr_is_iso_date, "date_created") self.sug_atts = kvp_convert(self.sug_atts) for k in ( f"date_{suffix}" for suffix in ("issued", "modified", "metadata_modified") ): self.sug_atts[k] = partial(_check_attr_is_iso_date, k)
[docs] def check_id_has_no_blanks(self, ds): """ Check if there are blanks in the id field :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ if not hasattr(ds, "id"): return if " " in return Result( BaseCheck.MEDIUM, False, "no_blanks_in_id", msgs=["There should be no blanks in the id field"], ) else: return Result(BaseCheck.MEDIUM, True, "no_blanks_in_id", msgs=[])
[docs] def check_var_coverage_content_type(self, ds): """ Check coverage content type against valid ISO-19115-1 codes :param netCDF4.Dataset ds: An open netCDF dataset """ results = [] for variable in cfutil.get_geophysical_variables(ds): msgs = [] ctype = getattr(ds.variables[variable], "coverage_content_type", None) check = ctype is not None if not check: msgs.append("coverage_content_type") results.append( Result( BaseCheck.HIGH, check, self._var_header.format(variable), msgs, ), ) continue # ISO 19115-1 codes valid_ctypes = { "image", "thematicClassification", "physicalMeasurement", "auxiliaryInformation", "qualityInformation", "referenceInformation", "modelResult", "coordinate", } if ctype not in valid_ctypes: msgs.append( f'coverage_content_type "{variable}" not in {sorted(valid_ctypes)}', ) results.append( Result( BaseCheck.HIGH, check, # append to list self._var_header.format(variable), msgs, ), ) return results