Source code for compliance_checker.runner

import json
import os
import sys
import traceback
from collections import OrderedDict
from contextlib import contextmanager

from compliance_checker.suite import CheckSuite

# Py 3.4+ has contextlib.redirect_stdout to redirect stdout to a different
# stream, but use this decorated function in order to redirect output in
# previous versions
[docs] @contextmanager def stdout_redirector(stream): old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = stream try: yield finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout
[docs] class ComplianceChecker: """ Compliance Checker runner class. Ties together the entire compliance checker framework, is used from the command line or can be used via import. """ # Consider using __init__ instead of so many classmethods
[docs] @classmethod def run_checker( cls, ds_loc, checker_names, verbose, criteria, skip_checks=None, include_checks=None, output_filename="-", output_format="text", options=None, ): """ Static check runner. @param ds_loc Dataset location (url or file) @param checker_names List of string names to run, should match keys of checkers dict (empty list means run all) @param verbose Verbosity of the output (0, 1, 2) @param criteria Determines failure (lenient, normal, strict) @param output_filename Path to the file for output @param skip_checks Names of checks to skip @param include_checks Names of checks to include @param output_format Format of the output(s) @returns If the tests failed (based on the criteria) """ all_groups = [] cs = CheckSuite(options=options or {}) # using OrderedDict is important here to preserve the order # of multiple datasets which may be passed in score_dict = OrderedDict() if not isinstance(ds_loc, str): locs = ds_loc # if single dataset, put in list else: locs = [ds_loc] # Make sure output format is a list if isinstance(output_format, str): output_format = [output_format] for loc in locs: # loop through each dataset and run specified checks ds = cs.load_dataset(loc) score_groups = cs.run_all(ds, checker_names, include_checks, skip_checks) for group in score_groups.values(): all_groups.append(group[0]) # TODO: consider wrapping in a proper context manager instead if hasattr(ds, "close"): ds.close() if not score_groups: raise ValueError( "No checks found, please check the name of the checker(s) and that they are installed", ) else: score_dict[loc] = score_groups # define a score limit to truncate the output to the strictness level # specified by the user if criteria == "normal": limit = 2 elif criteria == "strict": limit = 1 elif criteria == "lenient": limit = 3 for out_fmt in output_format: if out_fmt == "text": if output_filename == "-": cls.stdout_output(cs, score_dict, verbose, limit) # need to redirect output from stdout since print functions are # presently used to generate the standard report output else: if len(output_format) > 1: # Update file name if needed output_filename = f"{os.path.splitext(output_filename)[0]}.txt" with open(output_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: with stdout_redirector(f): cls.stdout_output(cs, score_dict, verbose, limit) elif out_fmt == "html": # Update file name if needed if len(output_format) > 1 and output_filename != "-": output_filename = f"{os.path.splitext(output_filename)[0]}.html" cls.html_output(cs, score_dict, output_filename, ds_loc, limit) elif out_fmt in {"json", "json_new"}: # Update file name if needed if len(output_format) > 1 and output_filename != "-": output_filename = f"{os.path.splitext(output_filename)[0]}.json" cls.json_output(cs, score_dict, output_filename, ds_loc, limit, out_fmt) else: raise TypeError("Invalid format %s" % out_fmt) errors_occurred = cls.check_errors(score_groups, verbose) return ( all(cs.passtree(groups, limit) for groups in all_groups), errors_occurred, )
[docs] @classmethod def stdout_output(cls, cs, score_dict, verbose, limit): """ Calls output routine to display results in terminal, including scoring. Goes to verbose function if called by user. @param cs Compliance Checker Suite @param score_dict Dict with dataset name as key, list of results as value @param verbose Integer value for verbosity level @param limit The degree of strictness, 1 being the strictest, and going up from there. """ for ds, score_groups in score_dict.items(): for checker, rpair in score_groups.items(): groups, errors = rpair score_list, points, out_of = cs.standard_output( ds, limit, checker, groups, ) # send list of grouped result objects to stdout & reasoning_routine cs.standard_output_generation( groups, limit, points, out_of, check=checker, ) return groups
[docs] @classmethod def html_output(cls, cs, score_dict, output_filename, ds_loc, limit): """ Generates rendered HTML output for the compliance score(s) @param cs Compliance Checker Suite @param score_groups List of results @param output_filename The file path to output to @param ds_loc List of source datasets @param limit The degree of strictness, 1 being the strictest, and going up from there. """ checkers_html = [] for ds, score_groups in score_dict.items(): for checker, (groups, _errors) in score_groups.items(): checkers_html.append(cs.checker_html_output(checker, groups, ds, limit)) html = cs.html_output(checkers_html) if output_filename == "-": print(html) else: with open(output_filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(html) return groups
[docs] @classmethod def json_output( cls, cs, score_dict, output_filename, ds_loc, limit, output_type="json", ): """ Generates JSON output for the ocmpliance score(s) @param cs Compliance Checker Suite @param score_groups List of results @param output_filename The file path to output to @param ds_loc List of source datasets @param limit The degree of strictness, 1 being the strictest, and going up from there. @param output_type Either 'json' or 'json_new'. json_new is the new json output format that supports multiple datasets """ results = {} # json output keys out at the top level by if len(score_dict) > 1 and output_type != "json_new": raise ValueError( "output_type must be set to 'json_new' if outputting multiple datasets to a single json file or stdout", ) if output_type == "json": for ds, score_groups in score_dict.items(): for checker, rpair in score_groups.items(): groups, errors = rpair results[checker] = cs.dict_output( checker, groups, ds, limit, ) elif output_type == "json_new": for ds, score_groups in score_dict.items(): for checker, rpair in score_groups.items(): groups, errors = rpair results[ds] = {} results[ds][checker] = cs.dict_output(checker, groups, ds, limit) json_results = json.dumps(results, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) if output_filename == "-": print(json_results) else: with open(output_filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(json_results) return groups
[docs] @classmethod def check_errors(cls, score_groups, verbose): """ Reports any errors (exceptions) that occurred during checking to stderr. Goes to verbose function if called by user. @param score_groups List of results @param verbose Integer value for verbosity level """ errors_occurred = False for checker, rpair in score_groups.items(): errors = rpair[-1] if len(errors): errors_occurred = True print( "WARNING: The following exceptions occurred during the %s checker (possibly indicate compliance checker issues):" % checker, file=sys.stderr, ) for check_name, epair in errors.items(): print( f"{checker}.{check_name}: {epair[0]}", file=sys.stderr, ) if verbose > 0: traceback.print_tb( epair[1].tb_next.tb_next, ) # skip first two as they are noise from the running itself @TODO search for check_name print(file=sys.stderr) return errors_occurred