Source code for ioos_qc.config

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
"""QC Config objects

Module to store the different QC modules in ioos_qc

    tw (namedtuple): The TimeWindow namedtuple definition
import io
import logging
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from copy import deepcopy
from inspect import signature
from functools import partial
from typing import Union, List
from importlib import import_module
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict as odict

import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import shape, GeometryCollection

from ioos_qc.results import CallResult, collect_results
from ioos_qc.utils import load_config_as_dict, dict_depth

L = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # noqa
ConfigTypes = Union[dict, odict, str, Path, io.StringIO]

tw = namedtuple('TimeWindow', ('starting', 'ending'), defaults=[None, None])

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Context: window: tw = field(default_factory=tw) region: GeometryCollection = field(default=None) attrs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Context): return self.window == other.window and self.region == other.region return False def __key__(self): return ( self.window, getattr(self.region, 'wkb', None) ) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__key__()) def __repr__(self): return f'<Context window={self.window} region={self.region}>'
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class Call: stream_id: str call: partial context: Context = field(default_factory=Context) attrs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) @property def window(self): return self.context.window @property def region(self): return self.context.region @property def func(self) -> str: return @property def module(self) -> str: return self.func.__module__.replace('ioos_qc.', '') @property def method(self) -> str: return self.func.__name__ @property def method_path(self) -> str: return f'{self.module}.{self.method}' @property def args(self) -> tuple: return @property def kwargs(self) -> dict: return
[docs] def config(self) -> dict: return { self.module: { self.method: self.kwargs } }
@property def is_aggregate(self) -> bool: return hasattr(self.func, 'aggregate') and self.func.aggregate is True def __key__(self): return ( self.stream_id, self.context.__hash__(), self.module, self.method, self.args, tuple(self.kwargs.items()) ) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__key__()) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Call): return self.__key__() == other.__key__() return NotImplemented def __repr__(self): ret = f'<Call stream_id={self.stream_id}' if self.context.window.starting: ret += f' starting={self.window.starting}' if self.context.window.ending: ret += f' ending={self.window.ending}' if self.context.region is not None: ret += ' region=True' ret += f' function={self.module}.{self.method}(' if self.args: ret += ', '.join([ x for x in self.args if x ]) if self.kwargs: ret += ', '.join([ f'{k}={v}' for k, v in self.kwargs.items() ]) ret += ')>' return ret
[docs] def run(self, **passedkwargs): results = [] # Get our own copy of the kwargs object so we can change it testkwargs = deepcopy(passedkwargs) # Merges dicts testkwargs = odict({ **self.kwargs, **testkwargs }) # Get the arguments that the test functions support sig = signature(self.func) valid_keywords = [ for p in sig.parameters.values() if p.kind == p.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD ] testkwargs = { k: v for k, v in testkwargs.items() if k in valid_keywords } try: results.append( CallResult( package=self.module, test=self.method, function=self.func, results=self.func(**testkwargs) ) ) except Exception as e: L.error(f'Could not run "{self.module}.{self.method}: {e}') return results
[docs]def extract_calls(source) -> List[Call]: """ Extracts call objects from a source object Args: source ([any]): The source of Call objects, this can be a: * Call object * list of Call objects * list of objects with the 'calls' attribute * NewConfig object * Object with the 'calls' attribute Returns: List[Call]: List of extracted Call objects """ if isinstance(source, Call): return [source] elif isinstance(source, (tuple, list)): # list of Call objects calls = [ c for c in source if isinstance(c, Call) ] # list of objects with the 'calls' attribute [ calls.extend([ x for x in c.calls if isinstance(x, Call) ]) for c in source if hasattr(c, 'calls') ] return calls elif isinstance(source, Config): # Config object return source.calls elif hasattr(source, 'calls'): # Object with the 'calls' attribute return source.calls return []
[docs]class Config: """ A class to load any ioos_qc configuration setup into a list of callable objects that will run quality checks. The resulting list of quality checks parsed from a config file can be appended and edited until they are ready to be run. On run the checks are consolidated into an efficient structure for indexing the dataset (stream) it is run against so things like subsetting by time and space only happen once for each test in the same Context. How the individual checks are collected is up to each individual Stream implementation, this class only pairs various formats and versions of a config into a list of Call objects. """ def __init__(self, source, version=None, default_stream_key='_stream'): """ Args: source: The QC configuration representation in one of the following formats: python dict or odict JSON/YAML filepath (str or Path object) JSON/YAML str JSON/YAML StringIO netCDF4/xarray filepath netCDF4/xarray Dataset list of Call objects """ # A fully encapsulated Call objects that are configured # There are later grouped by window/region to more efficiently process # groups of indexes and variables self._calls = [] # If we are passed an object we can extract calls from do so # Else, process as a Config object extracted = extract_calls(source) if extracted: self._calls = extracted else: # Parse config based on version # Massage and return the correct type of config object depending on the input self.config = load_config_as_dict(source) if 'contexts' in self.config: # Return a list of ContextConfig for c in self.config['contexts']: self._calls.extend(list(ContextConfig(c).calls)) elif 'streams' in self.config: # Return a list with just one ContextConfig self._calls += list(ContextConfig(self.config).calls) elif dict_depth(self.config) >= 4: # This is a StreamConfig self._calls += list(ContextConfig(odict(streams=self.config)).calls) else: # This is a QcConfig self._calls += list(ContextConfig(odict(streams={default_stream_key: self.config})).calls) #raise ValueError("Can not add context to a QC Config object. Create it manually.") @property def contexts(self): """ Group the calls into context groups and return them """ contexts = {} for c in self._calls: if c.context in contexts: contexts[c.context].append(c) else: contexts[c.context] = [c] return contexts @property def stream_ids(self): """ Return a list of unique stream_ids for the Config """ streams = [] stream_map = {} for c in self._calls: if c.stream_id not in stream_map: stream_map[c.stream_id] = True streams.append(c.stream_id) return streams @property def calls(self): return self._calls # Could need this in the future # return [ # c for c in self._calls # if not hasattr(c.func, 'aggregate') or c.func.aggregate is False # ] @property def aggregate_calls(self): return [ c for c in self._calls if hasattr(c.func, 'aggregate') and c.func.aggregate is True ]
[docs] def has(self, stream_id : str, method: Union[callable, str]): if isinstance(method, str): for c in self._calls: if c.stream_id == stream_id and c.method_path == method: return c elif isinstance(method, callable): for c in self._calls: if (c.stream_id == stream_id and c.method == method.__module__ and c.method == method.__name__ ): return c return False
[docs] def calls_by_stream_id(self, stream_id) -> List[Call]: calls = [] for c in self._calls: if c.stream_id == stream_id: calls.append(c) return calls
[docs] def add(self, source) -> None: """ Adds a source of calls to this Config. See extract_calls for information on the types of objects accepted as the source parameter. The changes the internal .calls attribute and returns None. Args: source ([any]): The source of Call objects, this can be a: * Call object * list of Call objects * list of objects with the 'calls' attribute * Config object * Object with the 'calls' attribute """ extracted = extract_calls(source) self._calls += extracted
[docs]class ContextConfig: """A collection of a Region, a TimeWindow and a list of StreamConfig objects Defines a set of quality checks to run against multiple input streams. This can include a region and a time window to subset any DataStreams by before running checks. .. code-block:: yaml region: None window: starting: 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z ending: 2020-04-01T00:00:00Z streams: variable1: # stream_id qartod: # StreamConfig location_test: bbox: [-80, 40, -70, 60] variable2: # stream_id qartod: # StreamConfig gross_range_test: suspect_span: [1, 11] fail_span: [0, 12] Helper methods exist to run this check against a different inputs: * pandas.DataFrame, dask.DataFrame, netCDF4.Dataset, xarray.Dataset, ERDDAP URL Attributes: config (odict): dict representation of the parsed ContextConfig source region (GeometryCollection): A `shapely` object representing the valid geographic region window (namedtuple): A TimeWindow object representing the valid time period streams (odict): dict representation of the parsed StreamConfig objects """ def __init__(self, source: ConfigTypes): self.config = load_config_as_dict(source) self._calls = [] self.attrs = self.config.get('attrs', {}) # Region self.region = None if 'region' in self.config: # Convert region to a GeometryCollection Shapely object. if isinstance(self.config['region'], GeometryCollection): self.region = self.config['region'] elif self.config['region'] and 'features' in self.config['region']: # Feature based GeoJSON self.region = GeometryCollection([ shape(feature['geometry']) for feature in self.config['region']['features'] ]) elif self.config['region'] and 'geometry' in self.config['region']: # Geometry based GeoJSON self.region = GeometryCollection([ shape(self.config['region']['geometry']) ]) else: L.warning('Ignoring region because it could not be parsed, is it valid GeoJSON?') # Window if 'window' in self.config and isinstance(self.config['window'], tw): self.window = self.config['window'] elif 'window' in self.config: self.window = tw(**self.config['window']) else: self.window = tw() self.context = Context( window=self.window, region=self.region, attrs=self.attrs ) # Extract each Call from the nested JSON """ Calls This parses through available checks and selects the actual test functions to run, but doesn't actually run anything. It just sets up the object to be run later by iterating over the configs. """ for stream_id, sc in self.config['streams'].items(): for package, modules in sc.items(): try: testpackage = import_module('ioos_qc.{}'.format(package)) except ImportError: L.warning(f'No ioos_qc package "{package}" was found, skipping.') continue for testname, kwargs in modules.items(): kwargs = kwargs or {} if not hasattr(testpackage, testname): L.warning(f'No ioos_qc method "{package}.{testname}" was found, skipping') continue else: runfunc = getattr(testpackage, testname) self._calls.append( Call( stream_id=stream_id, context=self.context, call=partial(runfunc, (), **kwargs), attrs=getattr(sc, 'attrs', {}) ) ) @property def calls(self): return self._calls
[docs] def add(self, source) -> None: """ Adds a source of calls to this ContextConfig. See extract_calls for information on the types of objects accepted as the source parameter. The changes the internal .calls attribute and returns None. Args: source ([any]): The source of Call objects, this can be a: * Call object * list of Call objects * list of objects with the 'calls' attribute * Config object * Object with the 'calls' attribute """ extracted = extract_calls(source) self._calls.extend([ e for e in extracted if e.context == self.context ])
def __str__(self): # sc = list(self.streams.keys()) return ( f"<ContextConfig " f"calls={len(self._calls)} " f"region={self.region is not None} " f"window={self.window.starting is not None or self.window.ending is not None}" ">" ) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs]class QcConfig(Config): def __init__(self, source, default_stream_key='_stream'): """ A Config objects with no concept of a Stream ID. Typically used when running QC on a single stream. This just sets up a stream with the name passed in as the "default_stream_key" parameter. Args: source: The QC configuration representation in one of the following formats: python dict or odict JSON/YAML filepath (str or Path object) JSON/YAML str JSON/YAML StringIO netCDF4/xarray filepath netCDF4/xarray Dataset list of Call objects default_stream_key: The internal name of the stream, defaults to "_stream" """ warnings.warn( "The QcConfig object is deprecated, please use Config directly", DeprecationWarning ) self._default_stream_key = default_stream_key super().__init__(source, default_stream_key=default_stream_key)
[docs] def run(self, **passedkwargs): from ioos_qc.streams import NumpyStream # Cleanup kwarg names passedkwargs['time'] = passedkwargs.pop('tinp', None) passedkwargs['z'] = passedkwargs.pop('zinp', None) # Convert input to numpy arrays which is required for NumpySteam for k in ['inp', 'time', 'z', 'lat', 'lon', 'geom']: if k not in passedkwargs or passedkwargs[k] is None: continue if not isinstance(passedkwargs[k], np.ndarray): passedkwargs[k] = np.array(passedkwargs[k]) # Run the checks np_stream = NumpyStream(**passedkwargs) # Collect the results results = collect_results(, how='dict') # Strip out the default_stream_key return results[self._default_stream_key]
[docs]class NcQcConfig(Config): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( ( 'The NcQcConfig object has been replaced by ioos_qc.config.Config ' 'and ioos_qc.streams.XarrayStream' ) )