Development and Testing

Environment setup

Create a conda environment:

conda create -n ioosqc38 python=3.8
conda activate ioosqc38
conda install --file requirements.txt --file requirements-dev.txt

Run tests:



Build docs:

conda create -y -n ioosqc38_docs python=3.8
conda activate ioosqc38_docs
conda install -y --file requirements.txt \
    --file requirements-dev.txt \
    --file docs/requirements.txt
cd docs
make html

Then open a browser to build/html/index.html.

Note: If you encounter problems during the build, delete the docs/source/examples/.ipynb_checkpoints/ folder and try again.

Run Jupyter server and edit notebook examples:

conda activate ioosqc38_docs
cd docs/source/examples
jupyter notebook

Note: If you add or edit the notebook examples, you should save the result with the output cleared on all cells. This way, nbsphinx will build the notebook output during the build stage.


  1. Tag main with the version number. That’s it.