The ESIP community developed a Checklist to examine AI-Readiness for open environmental datasets. Some early evaluation of this checklist shows that the checklist asks questions, but it doesn’t score your answers, so it’s up to the user to guess whether the checklist believes that all “no ‘'’s are equally bad. It will be worth evaluating this checklist and developing a potential Checker for IOOS RAs to make sure we get our Datasets AI ready. We started circulating a questionnaire to NOS offices and Programs and we are getting some interesting answers. To gather more information from RAs we will be circulating the same questionnaires. Please take some time to consider the following questions for each of your program offices. This example of the ESIP community developed AI-readiness checklist may be beneficial in answering these questions.

Would you consider your program offices’ open environmental data AI ready? Are there particular aspects/parameters for your data that prevent it from being AI ready? Have you/anyone in your program office used an AI-readiness checklist before? For current projects leveraging AI, were there additional measures taken to get the data AI ready? What were they?

Expected Outcomes:

Prototype an AI Ready Data Checker/or assessment tool that can score each checklist question etc. Again we will be listening to y’all for other ideas.

Skills required:



Relevant links:

ESIP AI Ready Data Checklist

Here are some examples of existing compliance checkers/assessment tools to evaluate and learn from to develop AI Ready Data checkers or assessment tools to respond to the needs of the AI community. Please see above the concerns and challenges that folks are facing to evaluate if they are compliant with the ESIP AI Ready Data checklist.

Examples Organization What’s for?
IOOS Compliance Checker NOAA IOOS The IOOS Compliance Checker is a Python-based tool for data providers to check for completeness and community standard compliance of local or remote netCDF files against CF and ACDD file standards. The Python module can be used as a command-line tool or as a library that can be integrated into other software.
FAIR Data Assessment Tool-f-uji PANGAEA F-UJI is a web service to programmatically assess FAIRness of research data objects at the dataset level based on the FAIRsFAIR Data Object Assessment Metrics
pyQuARC NASA Open Source Library for Earth Observation Metadata Quality Assessment
FAIR-Checker Looks like French Group Assess FAIRness

Functioning Prototype

None yet!



  1. Review the ESIP AI Ready Checklist (focus on Training Data level 3 Metadata?)
  2. Evaluate existing checker (differences) commonalities etc.
  3. Select a checker to build on/prototype etc.


The NOAA IOOS Compliance Checker utilizes, among others, the NOAA IOOS Metadata Profile (1.2; as a reference. Mapping the requirements as drafted by the AI-Data Ready ESIP Cluster (Doug Rao, Lead) indicates that the NOAA IOOS Profile fulfills much of the requirements of the AI Dat Ready Checklist. However, the profile may need some minor adjustments that can be used by the Compliance Checker to tag if data is AI-ready. For example, the creator’s name in the IOOS Metadata Profile is tagged as ‘Recommended’ but in the ESIP AI Ready Checklist, it is required. With the help of the ESIP AI Data Ready Cluster, mapping the requirements with the IOOS Metadata Profile will need to be completed first before an update to the IOOS Compliance Checker can be made.

The team will continue the discussion until the mapping of the requirements are completed.