Code Sprint Topics
See the track list started here.
For each topic, we recommend that the lead submits an issue to the ioos-code-sprint repository, identifying the scope of that topic. This will help ensure each code sprint topic has a plan that can be executed during the code sprint week.
Expectations for topic leads: Leads are expected to identify a plan for the code sprint topic, establish a team, and take the lead on executing said plan.
Topic 1: Visualization of ADCP Data in ERDDAP
Some NOAA IOOS RAs had been compiling ocean current data...
Topic 2: Compliance Checker Topics
Design, implementation and assessment of the OceanGlider (OG) 1.0 metadata...
Topic 3: ERDDAP web logs analysis
Develop a tool that reads in the web logs of...
Topic 4: Provider Parameter Mapper Utilities
Expected Outcomes:
A library - GitHub MVP or if there’s...
Topic 5: Collect data usage statistics from OBIS and GBIF and add to ioos_metrics
IOOS would like to be able collect metrics about how...
Topic 6: XPublish Enhancements
This topic will focus on improving several aspects of the...
Topic 7: AI Ready Data Checker
The ESIP community developed a Checklist to examine AI-Readiness for...
Topic 1: Compliance Checker refactor and documentation/examples for plugins
Refactor and possibly change the calling conventions of compliance checker....
Topic 2: OBIStools-style QC library in Python
Coming off the heels of the OBIS-USA/IOOS/MBON/OTN Bio Data Mobilization...
Topic 3: User documentation on "how to get started with your erddap server"
User documentation on how to get started with your erddap...
Topic 4: Open source biodiversity indicator development from open data.
Open source biodiversity indicator development from open data. Initial ideas...
Topic 5: Exploring modern RESTful services for gridded data
This project will explore passing gridded geospatial data through microservices....
Topic 6: Using ERDDAP in the IOOS RA/DAC archival pipelines
Currently, the IOOS Regional Associations (RA’s) and Functional Data Assembly...
Topic 7: IOOS QC Implementation for non-programmers
Building an interactive user interface/application based on I0OS QC functions...