Source code for ioos_qc.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import io
import logging
import json
from typing import Any, Union
from numbers import Real
from geographiclib.geodesic import Geodesic
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import date, datetime
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
from import Mapping

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import geojson
from ruamel.yaml import YAML

N = Real
L = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # noqa

[docs]def add_flag_metadata(**kwargs): def wrapper(func : callable): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(func, k, v) return func return wrapper
[docs]def openf(p, **kwargs): """ Helper to allow one-line-lambdas to read file contents """ with open(p, **kwargs) as f: return
[docs]def load_config_from_xarray(source): """Load an xarray dataset as a config dict """ to_close = False if not isinstance(source, xr.Dataset): source = xr.open_dataset(source, decode_cf=False) to_close = True # If a global attribute exists, load as a YAML or JSON string and # ignore any config at the variable level if 'ioos_qc_config' in source.attrs:"Using global attribute ioos_qc_config for QC config") return load_config_as_dict(source.attrs['ioos_qc_config']) # Iterate over variables and construct a config object y = odict() qc_dataset = source.filter_by_attrs( ioos_qc_module=lambda x: x is not None, ioos_qc_test=lambda x: x is not None, ioos_qc_config=lambda x: x is not None, ioos_qc_target=lambda x: x is not None, ) for dv in qc_dataset.data_vars: if dv in qc_dataset.dims: continue vobj = qc_dataset[dv] try: # Because a data variables can have more than one check # associated with it we need to merge any existing configs # for this variable newdict = odict({ vobj.ioos_qc_module: odict({ vobj.ioos_qc_test: odict(json.loads(vobj.ioos_qc_config)) }) }) merged = dict_update( y.get(vobj.ioos_qc_target, {}), newdict ) y[vobj.ioos_qc_target] = merged except BaseException: L.error(f"Could not pull QC config from {}, skipping") continue # If we opened this xarray dataset from a file we should close it if to_close is True: source.close() return y
[docs]def load_config_as_dict(source : Union[str, dict, odict, Path, io.StringIO] ) -> odict: """Load an object as a config dict. The source can be a dict, odict, YAML string, JSON string, a StringIO, or a file path to a valid YAML or JSON file. """ yaml = YAML(typ='safe') if isinstance(source, odict): return source elif isinstance(source, dict): return odict(source) elif isinstance(source, xr.Dataset): return load_config_from_xarray(source) elif isinstance(source, (str, Path)): source = str(source) # Try to load as YAML, then JSON, then file path load_funcs = [ lambda x: odict(yaml.load(x)), lambda x: odict(json.loads(x)), lambda x: load_config_from_xarray(x), lambda x: odict(yaml.load(openf(x))), # noqa lambda x: odict(json.loads(openf(x))), # noqa ] for lf in load_funcs: try: return lf(source) except BaseException: continue elif isinstance(source, io.StringIO): # Try to load as YAML, then JSON, then file path load_funcs = [ lambda x: odict(yaml.load(x)), lambda x: odict(json.load(x)), ] for lf in load_funcs: try: return lf(source.getvalue()) except BaseException: continue raise ValueError('Config source is not valid!')
[docs]def isfixedlength(lst : Union[list, tuple], length : int ) -> bool: if not isinstance(lst, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError('Required: list/tuple, Got: {}'.format(type(lst))) if len(lst) != length: raise ValueError( 'Incorrect list/tuple length for {}. Required: {}, Got: {}'.format( lst, length, len(lst) ) ) return True
[docs]def isnan(v : Any) -> bool: return ( v is None or v is np.nan or v is )
[docs]def mapdates(dates): if hasattr(dates, 'dtype') and hasattr(dates.dtype, 'tz'): # pandas time objects with a datetime component, remove the timezone return dates.dt.tz_localize(None).astype('datetime64[ns]').to_numpy() elif hasattr(dates, 'dtype') and hasattr(dates, 'to_numpy'): # pandas time objects without a datetime component return dates.to_numpy().astype('datetime64[ns]') elif hasattr(dates, 'dtype') and np.issubdtype(dates.dtype, np.datetime64): # numpy datetime objects return dates.astype('datetime64[ns]') else: try: # Finally try unix epoch seconds return pd.to_datetime(dates, unit='s').values.astype('datetime64[ns]') except Exception: # strings work here but we don't advertise that return np.array(dates, dtype='datetime64[ns]')
[docs]def check_timestamps(times : np.ndarray, max_time_interval : N = None ) -> bool: """Sanity checks for timestamp arrays Checks that the times supplied are in monotonically increasing chronological order, and optionally that time intervals between measurements do not exceed a value `max_time_interval`. Note that this is not a QARTOD test, but rather a utility test to make sure times are in the proper order and optionally do not have large gaps prior to processing the data. Args: times: Input array of timestamps max_time_interval: The interval between values should not exceed this value. [optional] """ time_diff = np.diff(times) sort_diff = np.diff(sorted(times)) # Check if there are differences between sorted and unsorted, and then # see if if there are any duplicate times. Then check that none of the # diffs exceeds the sorted time. zero = np.array(0, dtype=time_diff.dtype) if not np.array_equal(time_diff, sort_diff) or np.any(sort_diff == zero): return False elif (max_time_interval is not None and np.any(sort_diff > max_time_interval)): return False else: return True
[docs]def dict_update(d : Mapping, u : Mapping) -> Mapping: # for k, v in u.items(): if isinstance(d, Mapping): if isinstance(v, Mapping): r = dict_update(d.get(k, {}), v) d[k] = r else: d[k] = u[k] else: d = { k: u[k] } return d
[docs]def dict_depth(d): """ Get the depth of a dict """ # if isinstance(d, dict): return 1 + (max(map(dict_depth, d.values())) if d else 0) return 0
[docs]def cf_safe_name(name : str) -> str: import re if isinstance(name, str): if re.match('^[0-9_]', name): # Add a letter to the front name = "v_{}".format(name) return re.sub(r'[^_a-zA-Z0-9]', "_", name) raise ValueError('Could not convert "{}" to a safe name'.format(name))
[docs]class GeoNumpyDateEncoder(geojson.GeoJSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj : Any) -> Any: """If input object is an ndarray it will be converted into a list """ if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() elif isinstance(obj, np.generic): return obj.item() # elif isinstance(obj, pd.Timestamp): # return obj.to_pydatetime().isoformat() elif isinstance(obj, (datetime, date)): return obj.isoformat() elif np.isnan(obj): return None return geojson.factory.GeoJSON.to_instance(obj)
[docs]def great_circle_distance(lat_arr, lon_arr): def gc(y1, x1, y2, x2): return Geodesic.WGS84.Inverse(y1, x1, y2, x2)["s12"] dist =, dtype=np.float64) dv = np.vectorize(gc) dist[1:] = dv(lat_arr[:-1], lon_arr[:-1], lat_arr[1:], lon_arr[1:]) return dist