Base (compliance_checker.base)
Compliance Checker
Handles attribute checks for simple presence of an attribute, presence of one of several attributes, and passing a validation function. |
Decorator to wrap a function to check if a dataset has given attributes. |
Splits a string in CSV format and returns a flattened list |
Transforms scalar return values into Result. |
Returns a partial function with a Result that has not been weighted. |
Warning this is deprecated as of Compliance Checker v3.2! |
Check that a value is contained within an iterable |
Checks whether tree contains one or more elements matching xpath |
Base Class for NetCDF Dataset supporting Check Suites. |
Base class for SOS-DescribeSensor supporting Check Suites. |
Base class for SOS-GetCapabilities supporting Check Suites. |
Simple class for any file. |
Holds the result of a check method. |
Simple struct object that holds score values and messages to compile into a result |