
class compliance_checker.suite.CheckSuite(options=None)[source]#



Add command line arguments for external plugins that generate checker classes

build_structure(check_name, groups, source_name)

Compiles the checks, results and scores into an aggregate structure which looks like:

checker_html_output(check_name, groups, ...)

Renders the HTML output for a single test using Jinja2 and returns it as a string.

dict_output(check_name, groups, source_name, ...)

Builds the results into a JSON structure and writes it to the file buffer.


Use ncgen to generate a netCDF file from a .cdl file Returns the path to the generated netcdf file.


Renders the HTML output for multiple tests and returns it as a string.


Helper method to retrieve all sub checker classes derived from various base classes.


Returns an instantiated instance of either a netCDF file or an SOS mapped DS object.


Load checker classes from generator plugins


Returns a dataset instance for the local resource


Returns a dataset instance for the remote resource, either OPeNDAP or SOS


Attempt to parse an xml string conforming to either an SOS or SensorML dataset and return the results

reasoning_routine(groups, check[, ...])

print routine performed @param list groups: the Result groups @param str check: checker name @param int priority_flag: indicates the weight of the groups @param bool _top_level: indicates the level of the group so as to print out the appropriate header string

run_all(ds, checker_names[, include_checks, ...])

Runs this CheckSuite on the dataset with all the passed Checker instances.


Transforms raw scores from a single checker into a fully tallied and grouped scoreline.


Returns a safe serializable object that can be serialized into JSON.

standard_output(ds, limit, check_name, groups)

Generates the Terminal Output for Standard cases

standard_output_generation(groups, limit, ...)

Generates the Terminal Output





Attributes Summary

Methods Summary



Add command line arguments for external plugins that generate checker classes

build_structure(check_name, groups, source_name)

Compiles the checks, results and scores into an aggregate structure which looks like:


checker_html_output(check_name, groups, ...)

Renders the HTML output for a single test using Jinja2 and returns it as a string.

dict_output(check_name, groups, source_name, ...)

Builds the results into a JSON structure and writes it to the file buffer.


Use ncgen to generate a netCDF file from a .cdl file Returns the path to the generated netcdf file.

get_points(groups, limit)


Renders the HTML output for multiple tests and returns it as a string.


Helper method to retrieve all sub checker classes derived from various base classes.


Returns an instantiated instance of either a netCDF file or an SOS mapped DS object.


Load checker classes from generator plugins


Returns a dataset instance for the local resource


Returns a dataset instance for the remote resource, either OPeNDAP or SOS

passtree(groups, limit)


Attempt to parse an xml string conforming to either an SOS or SensorML dataset and return the results

reasoning_routine(groups, check[, ...])

print routine performed @param list groups: the Result groups @param str check: checker name @param int priority_flag: indicates the weight of the groups @param bool _top_level: indicates the level of the group so as to print out the appropriate header string

run(ds, skip_checks, *checker_names)

run_all(ds, checker_names[, include_checks, ...])

Runs this CheckSuite on the dataset with all the passed Checker instances.


Transforms raw scores from a single checker into a fully tallied and grouped scoreline.


Returns a safe serializable object that can be serialized into JSON.

standard_output(ds, limit, check_name, groups)

Generates the Terminal Output for Standard cases

standard_output_generation(groups, limit, ...)

Generates the Terminal Output

Attributes Documentation

checkers = {}#
templates_root = 'compliance_checker'#

Methods Documentation

classmethod add_plugin_args(parser)[source]#

Add command line arguments for external plugins that generate checker classes

build_structure(check_name, groups, source_name, limit=1)[source]#

Compiles the checks, results and scores into an aggregate structure which looks like:


“scored_points”: 396, “low_count”: 0, “possible_points”: 400, “testname”: “gliderdac”, “medium_count”: 2, “source_name”: “.//rutgers/ru01-20140120T1444/”, “high_count”: 0, “all_priorities” : […], “high_priorities”: […], “medium_priorities” : […], “low_priorities” : […]


@param check_name The test which was run @param groups List of results from compliance checker @param source_name Source of the dataset, used for title

checker_html_output(check_name, groups, source_name, limit)[source]#

Renders the HTML output for a single test using Jinja2 and returns it as a string.

@param check_name The test which was run @param groups List of results from compliance checker @param source_name Source of the dataset, used for title @param limit Integer value for limiting output

dict_output(check_name, groups, source_name, limit)[source]#

Builds the results into a JSON structure and writes it to the file buffer.

@param check_name The test which was run @param groups List of results from compliance checker @param output_filename Path to file to save output @param source_name Source of the dataset, used for title @param limit Integer value for limiting output


Use ncgen to generate a netCDF file from a .cdl file Returns the path to the generated netcdf file. If ncgen fails, uses sys.exit(1) to terminate program so a long stack trace is not reported to the user.


cdl_path (str) – Absolute path to cdl file that is used to generate netCDF file

get_points(groups, limit)[source]#

Renders the HTML output for multiple tests and returns it as a string.

@param checkers_html List of HTML for single tests as returned by


classmethod load_all_available_checkers()[source]#

Helper method to retrieve all sub checker classes derived from various base classes.


Returns an instantiated instance of either a netCDF file or an SOS mapped DS object.


ds_str (str) – URL of the resource to load

classmethod load_generated_checkers(args)[source]#

Load checker classes from generator plugins


Returns a dataset instance for the local resource


ds_str – Path to the resource


Returns a dataset instance for the remote resource, either OPeNDAP or SOS


ds_str (str) – URL to the remote resource

classmethod passtree(groups, limit)[source]#

Attempt to parse an xml string conforming to either an SOS or SensorML dataset and return the results

reasoning_routine(groups, check, priority_flag=3, _top_level=True)[source]#

print routine performed @param list groups: the Result groups @param str check: checker name @param int priority_flag: indicates the weight of the groups @param bool _top_level: indicates the level of the group so as to

print out the appropriate header string

run(ds, skip_checks, *checker_names)[source]#
run_all(ds, checker_names, include_checks=None, skip_checks=None)[source]#

Runs this CheckSuite on the dataset with all the passed Checker instances.

Returns a dictionary mapping checker names to a 2-tuple of their grouped scores and errors/exceptions while running checks.


Transforms raw scores from a single checker into a fully tallied and grouped scoreline.


Returns a safe serializable object that can be serialized into JSON.

@param o Python object to serialize

standard_output(ds, limit, check_name, groups)[source]#

Generates the Terminal Output for Standard cases

Returns the dataset needed for the verbose output, as well as the failure flags.

standard_output_generation(groups, limit, points, out_of, check)[source]#

Generates the Terminal Output