Source code for erddapy.erddapy

"""Pythonic way to access ERDDAP data."""

import functools
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import pandas as pd

from erddapy.core.griddap import (
from erddapy.core.interfaces import to_iris, to_ncCF, to_pandas, to_xarray
from erddapy.core.url import (
from erddapy.servers.servers import servers

# Objects used by downstream packages
__all__ = [

ListLike = Union[List[str], Tuple[str]]
OptionalStr = Optional[str]

[docs]class ERDDAP: """Creates an ERDDAP instance for a specific server endpoint. Args: server: an ERDDAP server URL or an acronym for one of the builtin servers. protocol: tabledap or griddap. Attributes: dataset_id: a dataset unique id. variables: a list variables to download. response: default is HTML. constraints: download constraints, default None (opendap-like url) params and requests_kwargs: `httpx.get` options Returns: instance: the ERDDAP URL builder. Examples: Specifying the server URL >>> e = ERDDAP(server="") let's search for glider `ru29` and read the csv response with pandas. >>> import pandas as pd >>> url = e.get_search_url(search_for="ru29", response="csv") >>> pd.read_csv(url)["Dataset ID"] 0 ru29-20150623T1046 1 ru29-20161105T0131 Name: Dataset ID, dtype: object there are "shortcuts" for some servers >>> e = ERDDAP(server="SECOORA") >>> e.server '' to get a list of the shortcuts available servers: >>> from erddapy import servers >>> {k: v.url for k, v in servers.items()} {'MDA': '', 'MII': '', 'CSCGOM': '', 'CSWC': '', 'CeNCOOS': '', 'NERACOOS': '', 'NGDAC': '', 'PacIOOS': '', 'SECOORA': '', 'NCEI': '', 'OSMC': '', 'UAF': '', 'ONC': '', 'BMLSC': '', 'RTECH': '', 'IFREMER': '', 'UBC': ''} """ def __init__( self, server: str, protocol: OptionalStr = None, response: str = "html", ): """ Instantiate main class attributes. Attributes: server: the server URL. protocol: ERDDAP's protocol (tabledap/griddap) response: default is HTML. """ if server.lower() in servers.keys(): server = servers[server.lower()].url self.server = server.rstrip("/") self.protocol = protocol self.response = response # Initialized only via properties. self.constraints: Optional[Dict] = None self.server_functions: Optional[Dict] = None self.dataset_id: OptionalStr = None self.requests_kwargs: Dict = {} self.auth: Optional[tuple] = None self.variables: Optional[ListLike] = None self.dim_names: Optional[ListLike] = None self._get_variables = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=128)( self._get_variables_uncached, ) # Caching the last `dataset_id` and `variables` list request for quicker multiple accesses, # will be overridden when requesting a new `dataset_id`. self._dataset_id: OptionalStr = None self._variables: Dict = {}
[docs] def griddap_initialize( self, dataset_id: OptionalStr = None, step: int = 1, ): """ Fetch metadata of dataset and initialize constraints and variables. Args: dataset_id: a dataset unique id. step: step used to subset dataset """ dataset_id = dataset_id if dataset_id else self.dataset_id if self.protocol != "griddap": raise ValueError( f"Method only valid using griddap protocol, got {self.protocol}", ) if dataset_id is None: raise ValueError(f"Must set a valid dataset_id, got {self.dataset_id}") # Return the opendap URL without any slicing so the user can do it later. if self.response == "opendap": return metadata_url = f"{self.server}/griddap/{self.dataset_id}" ( self.constraints, self.dim_names, self.variables, ) = _griddap_get_constraints(metadata_url, step) self._constraints_original = self.constraints.copy() self._variables_original = self.variables.copy()
[docs] def get_search_url( self, response: OptionalStr = None, search_for: OptionalStr = None, protocol: OptionalStr = None, items_per_page: int = 1000, page: int = 1, **kwargs, ) -> str: """ Build the search URL for the `server` endpoint provided. Args: search_for: "Google-like" search of the datasets' metadata. - Type the words you want to search for, with spaces between the words. ERDDAP will search for the words separately, not as a phrase. - To search for a phrase, put double quotes around the phrase (for example, `"wind speed"`). - To exclude datasets with a specific word, use `-excludedWord`. - To exclude datasets with a specific phrase, use `-"excluded phrase"` - Searches are not case-sensitive. - You can search for any part of a word. For example, searching for `spee` will find datasets with `speed` and datasets with `WindSpeed` - The last word in a phrase may be a partial word. For example, to find datasets from a specific website (usually the start of the datasetID), include (for example) `"datasetID=erd"` in your search. response: default is HTML. items_per_page: how many items per page in the return, default is 1000 for HTML, 1e6 (hopefully all items) for CSV, JSON. page: which page to display, default is the first page (1). kwargs: extra search constraints based on metadata and/or coordinates ke/value. metadata: `cdm_data_type`, `institution`, `ioos_category`, `keywords`, `long_name`, `standard_name`, and `variableName`. coordinates: `minLon`, `maxLon`, `minLat`, `maxLat`, `minTime`, and `maxTime`. Returns: url: the search URL. """ protocol = protocol if protocol else self.protocol response = response if response else self.response return get_search_url( self.server, response=response, search_for=search_for, protocol=protocol, items_per_page=items_per_page, page=page, **kwargs, )
[docs] def get_info_url( self, dataset_id: OptionalStr = None, response: OptionalStr = None, ) -> str: """ Build the info URL for the `server` endpoint. Args: dataset_id: a dataset unique id. response: default is HTML. Returns: url: the info URL for the `response` chosen. """ dataset_id = dataset_id if dataset_id else self.dataset_id response = response if response else self.response return get_info_url(self.server, dataset_id, response)
[docs] def get_categorize_url( self, categorize_by: str, value: OptionalStr = None, response: OptionalStr = None, ) -> str: """ Build the categorize URL for the `server` endpoint. Args: categorize_by: a valid attribute, e.g.: ioos_category or standard_name. Valid attributes are shown in page. value: an attribute value. response: default is HTML. Returns: url: the categorized URL for the `response` chosen. """ response = response if response else self.response return get_categorize_url(self.server, categorize_by, value, response)
[docs] def get_download_url( self, dataset_id: OptionalStr = None, protocol: OptionalStr = None, variables: Optional[ListLike] = None, dim_names: Optional[ListLike] = None, response=None, constraints=None, distinct=False, ) -> str: """ Build the download URL for the `server` endpoint. Args: dataset_id: a dataset unique id. protocol: tabledap or griddap. variables (list/tuple): a list of the variables to download. response (str): default is HTML. constraints (dict): download constraints, default None (opendap-like url) example: constraints = {'latitude<=': 41.0, 'latitude>=': 38.0, 'longitude<=': -69.0, 'longitude>=': -72.0, 'time<=': '2017-02-10T00:00:00+00:00', 'time>=': '2016-07-10T00:00:00+00:00',} One can also use relative constraints like {'time>': 'now-7days', 'latitude<': 'min(longitude)+180', 'depth>': 'max(depth)-23',} Returns: url (str): the download URL for the `response` chosen. """ dataset_id = dataset_id if dataset_id else self.dataset_id protocol = protocol if protocol else self.protocol variables = variables if variables else self.variables dim_names = dim_names if dim_names else self.dim_names response = response if response else self.response constraints = constraints if constraints else self.constraints if not dataset_id: raise ValueError(f"Please specify a valid `dataset_id`, got {dataset_id}") if not protocol: raise ValueError(f"Please specify a valid `protocol`, got {protocol}") if ( protocol == "griddap" and constraints is not None and variables is not None and dim_names is not None ): # Check that dimensions, constraints and variables are valid for this dataset _griddap_check_constraints(constraints, self._constraints_original) _griddap_check_variables(variables, self._variables_original) return get_download_url( self.server, dataset_id, protocol, variables, dim_names, response, constraints, distinct, )
[docs] def to_pandas( self, requests_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, **kw, ) -> "pd.DataFrame": """Save a data request to a pandas.DataFrame. Accepts any `pandas.read_csv` keyword arguments, passed as a dictionary to pandas_kwargs. This method uses the .csvp [1] response as the default for simplicity, please check ERDDAP's documentation for the other csv options available. [1] Download a ISO-8859-1 .csv file with line 1: name (units). Times are ISO 8601 strings. requests_kwargs: kwargs to be passed to urlopen method. **kw: kwargs to be passed to third-party library (pandas). """ response = kw.pop("response", "csvp") distinct = kw.pop("distinct", False) url = self.get_download_url(response=response, distinct=distinct) return to_pandas(url, requests_kwargs=requests_kwargs, pandas_kwargs=dict(**kw))
[docs] def to_ncCF(self, protocol: str = None, **kw): """Load the data request into a Climate and Forecast compliant netCDF4-python object.""" distinct = kw.pop("distinct", False) protocol = protocol if protocol else self.protocol url = self.get_download_url(response="ncCF", distinct=distinct) return to_ncCF(url, protocol=protocol, requests_kwargs=dict(**kw))
[docs] def to_xarray( self, requests_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, **kw, ): """Load the data request into a xarray.Dataset. Accepts any `xr.open_dataset` keyword arguments. """ if self.response == "opendap": response = "opendap" elif self.protocol == "griddap": response = "nc" else: response = "ncCF" distinct = kw.pop("distinct", False) url = self.get_download_url(response=response, distinct=distinct) if requests_kwargs: requests_kwargs = {**{"auth": self.auth}, **requests_kwargs} else: requests_kwargs = {"auth": self.auth} return to_xarray(url, response, requests_kwargs, xarray_kwargs=dict(**kw))
[docs] def to_iris(self, **kw): """Load the data request into an iris.CubeList. Accepts any `iris.load_raw` keyword arguments. """ response = "nc" if self.protocol == "griddap" else "ncCF" distinct = kw.pop("distinct", False) url = self.get_download_url(response=response, distinct=distinct) return to_iris(url, iris_kwargs=dict(**kw))
def _get_variables_uncached(self, dataset_id: OptionalStr = None) -> Dict: if not dataset_id: dataset_id = self.dataset_id if dataset_id is None: raise ValueError(f"You must specify a valid dataset_id, got {dataset_id}") url = self.get_info_url(dataset_id=dataset_id, response="csv") variables = {} data = urlopen(url, self.requests_kwargs) _df = pd.read_csv(data) self._dataset_id = dataset_id for variable in set(_df["Variable Name"]): attributes = ( _df.loc[_df["Variable Name"] == variable, ["Attribute Name", "Value"]] .set_index("Attribute Name") .to_dict()["Value"] ) variables.update({variable: attributes}) return variables
[docs] def get_var_by_attr(self, dataset_id: OptionalStr = None, **kwargs) -> List[str]: """ Return a variable based on its attributes. The `get_var_by_attr` method will create an info `csv` return, for the `dataset_id`, and the variables attribute dictionary, similar to netCDF4-python `get_variables_by_attributes`. Examples: >>> e = ERDDAP(server_url="") >>> dataset_id = "whoi_406-20160902T1700" Get variables with x-axis attribute. >>> e.get_var_by_attr(dataset_id, axis="X") ['longitude'] Get variables with matching "standard_name" attribute >>> e.get_var_by_attr( ... dataset_id, standard_name="northward_sea_water_velocity" ... ) ['v'] Get Axis variables >>> e.get_var_by_attr(dataset_id, axis=lambda v: v in ["X", "Y", "Z", "T"]) ['latitude', 'longitude', 'time', 'depth'] """ variables = self._get_variables(dataset_id=dataset_id) # Virtually the same code as the netCDF4 counterpart. vs = [] has_value_flag = False for vname in variables: var = variables[vname] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if callable(v): has_value_flag = v(var.get(k, None)) if has_value_flag is False: break elif var.get(k) and var.get(k) == v: has_value_flag = True else: has_value_flag = False break if has_value_flag is True: vs.append(vname) return vs