This is Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) data recommendations.
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Data and File Formatting

In choosing a file format, data collectors should select a format that is usable, open, and that will likely be readable well into the future. Microsoft Excel, as an example, is a useful tool for data manipulations and data visualization, but versions of Excel files may become obsolete and may not be easily readable over the longer term. Likewise, database management systems (DBMS) like MS Access, Filemaker Pro, and others, can be a very effective way to store and query data, but the raw formats tend to change over time (even a few years). If your program or organization has used these or other proprietary DBMS tools, it is essential to plan for exporting your data in a stable, well-documented, and non-proprietary format.

Below is a summary of the suggested tabular, image, and GIS data file formats suitable for long-term archiving.

  • Containers: TAR, GZIP, ZIP
  • Databases: CSV, XML
  • Tabular data: CSV
  • Geospatial vector data: SHP, GeoJSON, KML, DBF, NetCDF
  • Geospatial raster data: GeoTIFF/TIFF, NetCDF, HDF-EOS
  • Moving images: MOV, MPEG, AVI, MXF
  • Sounds: WAVE, AIFF, MP3, MXF
  • Still images: TIFF, JPEG 2000, PDF, PNG, GIF, BMP
  • Text: XML, PDF/A, ASCII, UTF-8

For more complete guidance on best practices and appropriate formats for long-term preservation and future accessibility, see the Library of Congress’ Sustainability of Digital Formats web site, the LOC’s page on Recommended Format Specifications for preservation, and Hook et al’s recommendations in Best Practices for Preparing Environmental Data Sets to Share and Archive.

Tabular Data

Tabular data, or data in tables or spreadsheets, is by far the most common format for presenting, analyzing, and storing data. However, common spreadsheet file formats are not ideal for sharing, preserving, and reusing data; they’re not easily machine readable and may be difficult or impossible to read if the specific software tools used to create them are significantly upgraded or outmoded.

Using delimited text formats is a better way to ensure that tabular data are readable in the future. A delimited text file is an ASCII-encoded file used to store data in which each line is uniquely represented and had fields separated by a special character—the delimiter. Common delimiters are the comma, tab, and colon. In a file with comma-separated values (a CSV file), the data values are separated using commas as a delimiter. One benefit of being incredibly common and simple to use is that most database and spreadsheet programs are able to read in or export data in a text-delimited format.

Comma Separated Values (CSV) is the most common delimited data format. If your data has strings or sentences that may contain commas, be sure to wrap all string values in quotation marks (“”) or another delimiter that may not be present in your data. The semicolon, (;), and a tab (“ “ , or “t”) are other common delimiters. Text delimited files can be imported and exported by almost any software designed for storing or manipulating data, including relational database systems, spreadsheet software, and statistical analysis software.

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the most common text encoding and the one most likely to be readable by tools. Other text encodings, such as UTF-8 are possible and may be necessary for some non-English applications. Avoid obscure text encodings. Use ASCII if possible, with UTF-8 or UTF-16 as secondary options.

Relational database management systems (RDBMS) (such as Microsoft Access) create file formats that need specialized software to open and view the contained information. Creating CSV files or ASCII text versions and PDF/A’s of the data provider’s original data ensures that the information contained within the file is openly accessible to data customers. Tabular data stored within relational databases should be broken out into CSV files or ASCII text versions with all table relationships described in enough detail for the database to be recreated.

Data Headers

In order for others to use your data, they must fully understand the contents of the dataset. Most commonly, data values within a file are organized in rows and columns, with each event or observation as a row and each column representing a measurement or contextual information. Use a header row at the top of each file describing the values in column.

Follow these best practices for data headers:

  • Use commonly accepted parameter names for header titles (e.g. site, date, treatment, units_of_measure, etc).
  • Use consistent capitalization of header names (e.g. temp and precip, or Temp and Precip).
  • Explicitly state units of reported parameters in the data file and the metadata.
  • If a coded value of abbreviation is used, be sure to provide a definition in the metadata.
  • Adopt a similar structure across data files. If the same parameters are used across multiple files, use a file template to maintain consistent column names across files. Avoid having different numbers of columns or rearranging columns across similar files.
  • Column names or headings should contain only numbers, letters, hyphens, and underscores—no spaces or special characters. This also applies to column names and table names in databases. Special characters and spaces are error-prone when machine-read or edited.

Data Values

To allow others to best understand your data, follow these best practices for values within a data file:

  • Standardize all coded and null values within a dataset.
  • Use an explicit value for missing or no data, rather than an empty field. Or, distinguish between a zero and a blank value for numeric fields.
  • For numeric fields, represent missing data with a specified extreme value (e.g., -9999), the IEEE floating point NaN value (Not a Number), or the database NULL. Be advised that NULL and NaN can cause problems, particularly with some older programs. For character fields, use NULL, “not applicable”, “n/a” or “none”.
  • If there are multiple reasons that cells might not have values, include a separate code for each reason.
  • The null value(s) should be consistently applied within and among data files.
  • If data values are encoded, be sure to provide a definition in the metadata.
  • Don’t include rows with summary statistics. It is best to put summary statistics, figures, analyses, and other summary content into a separate companion data file.

Specific Formatting Recommendations for Biological Data

Biological data is often stored in tabular formats such as spreadsheets and database tables. Examples of biological datasets may include environmental data, such as temperature, salinity, or conductivity, but focus on measuring variables related to one or more species of plant or animal. Examples of biological data include, but are not limited to, marine bird surveys, genetic analyses of salmon stocks, and toxicological analyses of lichen.

For biological data, the following best practices apply:

  1. Align to Darwin Core, when possible.
  2. Archive data in CSV (or another non-proprietary, text-based format) whenever possible.
  3. Follow established conventions when naming variables or columns. Refer to the List of Darwin Core Terms
  4. Define distinct events (such as location, time (with time zone), and/or depth) within a file with a unique identifier. The identifier is often presented as sample_id or collection_event_id. See Darwin Core term eventID
  5. Include both the common name, the scientific name, and the WoRMS AphiaID code for each species. The ITIS Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN) is another option if WoRMS does not meet the needs of your data.

Additional Data Documentation

  • Save documentation about the data in non-proprietary file formats, such as .txt, .xml, or .pdf.
  • Images, pictures, or figures should be saved as JPEG or GIF files.
  • The name of the documentation should follow a logical naming convention identical to the related data file(s), but indicating that the file is a metadata record, e.g. [data_file_name]_METADATA.xml.
  • For complicated datasets, supplemental documentation is more useful when structured as a user’s guide for the data. When constructing such a guide, include enough detail for someone with sufficient domain knowledge to understand, trust, and reuse your data 20+ years in the future.