Deprecation Notice - This guidance was deprecated by IOOS on 2020-01-10 and is superceded by the IOOS Metadata Profile 1.2. Please read the Deprecation Notice below for more information. Original Summary - Template for a generic (independent of feature type) SensorML DescribeSensor response for Network of Stations
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Deprecation Notice

Notice: This convention has been deprecated due to IOOS’ transition from the OGC SOS/SWE suite of standards to ERDDAP for in situ data dissemination.

All relevant guidance in this standard has been superceded as of the 2020-01-10 publication date of the IOOS Metadata Profile 1.2. Please refer to the IOOS Metadata Profile for current guidance.

The information below is retained for historical reference purposes only.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Template document for a generic (independant of feature type) Describe Sensor Network -->
<!-- Each member system in the template includes: -->
<!--    Name & Description -->
<!--    Temporal & Spatial Bounds -->
<!--    Identifiers -->
<!--    Classifiers -->
<!--    Contacts -->
<!--    Components -->
<!--  -->
<!-- The SML document is designed to present useful metadata about the sensor network -->
<!-- sufficient to determine which additional descriptions or observations are needed. -->
<!--  -->

  <sml:capabilities name="ioosServiceMetadata">
      <swe:field name="ioosTemplateVersion">
        <swe:Text definition="">

      <gml:description>Collection of all station assets available via the NANOOS SOS service</gml:description>

      <!-- Spatial bounds of the content described by this network -->
          <gml:Envelope srsName="">
              <gml:lowerCorner>32.7 -75.0</gml:lowerCorner>
              <gml:upperCorner>34.7 -72.0</gml:upperCorner>

      <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- IDENTIFIERS                                                     -->
      <!-- The networkID, shortName and longName are manditory             -->
      <!-- list all that are appropriate                                   -->
      <!-- =============================================================== -->
          <sml:identifier name="networkID">
            <sml:Term definition="">
          <sml:identifier name="shortName">
            <sml:Term definition="">
              <sml:value>NANOOS SOS station assets collection</sml:value>
          <sml:identifier name="longName">
            <sml:Term definition="">
              <sml:value>Collection of all station assets available via the NANOOS SOS service</sml:value>

      <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- CLASSIFIERS                                                     -->
      <!-- List any classifiers that apply to this network offering        -->
      <!-- =============================================================== -->
          <!-- List as many as needed to describe the content of the network offering -->   
          <sml:classifier name="publisher">
            <sml:Term definition="">
              <sml:codeSpace xlink:href=""/>
          <!-- At least one parent network must reference an IOOS codespace and list the RA Acronym -->
          <sml:classifier name="parentNetwork">
            <sml:Term definition="">
              <sml:codeSpace xlink:href=""/>

      <!-- sml:validTime represents the date range of the validity of this document -->
      <sml:capabilities name="observationTimeRange">
          <swe:field name="observationTimeRange">
            <swe:TimeRange definition="">
              <swe:value>2008-04-28T08:00:00.000Z 2012-12-27T19:00:00.000Z</swe:value>

      <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- CONTACTS                                                        -->
      <!-- List all publisher and operator contacts that apply to this     -->
      <!-- network offering.                                               -->
      <!-- Consider using xlink:href to external document for concision    -->
      <!-- =============================================================== -->
          <sml:member xlink:role="">
              <sml:organizationName>PNW Buoys</sml:organizationName>
                  <sml:deliveryPoint>1007 Balch Blvd.</sml:deliveryPoint>
                  <!-- Optional: City; but strongly encouraged  -->
                  <!-- Required: country [Values: USA|<COUNTRY NAME>|NON-USA] -->
                  <!-- Required: electronicMailAddress -->
                <!-- Optional: onlineResource; but strongly encouraged for operator -->
                <sml:onlineResource xlink:href=""/>
          <sml:member xlink:role="">
                <sml:onlineResource xlink:href=""/>

      <!-- =============================================================== -->
      <!-- COMPONENTS                                                      -->
      <!-- List all component platforms in the network offering            -->
      <!-- Manditory Elements:                                             -->
      <!--   identification - the names by with the platform is called     -->
      <!--   capabilities   - observation time range                       -->
      <!--   location*      - the location of the platform                 -->
      <!--   outputs        - the quantities observed by this platform     -->
      <!-- *location may be large but useful for platforms which move      -->
      <!-- =============================================================== -->
          <sml:component name='wmo_41001'>
            <!-- Include name & description only if they have some useful human readable purpose -->

              <!-- ==================================================================== -->
              <!-- PLATFORM IDENTIFIERS                                                 -->
              <!-- Gives ability to platforms by name                                   -->
              <!-- ==================================================================== -->
                  <!-- The 3 identifiers listed below are MANDATORY -->
                  <sml:identifier name="stationID">
                    <sml:Term definition="">
                  <sml:identifier name="shortName">
                    <sml:Term definition="">
                      <sml:value>WMO 41001 Buoy, Cape Hatteras</sml:value>

              <!-- Time range for this platform -->
              <sml:capabilities name="observationTimeRange">
                  <swe:field name="observationTimeRange">
                    <swe:TimeRange definition="">
                      <swe:value>2006-02-12T00:00:00.000Z 2013-04-21T00:00:00.000Z</swe:value>

              <!-- =============================================================== -->
              <!-- LOCATION                                                        -->
              <!-- Station geographic location (lat & lon only, no z)              -->
              <!-- Always use epsg 4326.                                           -->
              <!-- For moving platforms use <gml:LineString>                       -->
              <!-- =============================================================== -->
                <gml:Point srsName="">
                  <gml:pos>34.7 -72.73</gml:pos>

              <!-- =============================================================== -->
              <!-- OUTPUTS                                                         -->
              <!-- A list of the quantities observed by this platform              -->
              <!-- =============================================================== -->
                  <sml:output name="Sea Water Temperature">
                    <swe:Quantity definition=""/>
                  <sml:output name="Dissolved Oxygen">
                    <swe:Quantity definition=""/>


          <!-- Compact form -->
          <sml:component name='wmo_41002'>
                  <!-- The 2 identifiers listed below are MANDATORY -->
                  <sml:identifier name="stationID">
                    <sml:Term definition="">
                  <sml:identifier name="shortName">
                    <sml:Term definition="">
                      <sml:value>WMO 41002 Buoy, Cape Hatteras</sml:value>

              <sml:capabilities name="observationTimeRange">
                  <swe:field name="observationTimeRange">
                    <swe:TimeRange definition="">
                      <swe:value>2006-02-12T00:00:00.000Z 2013-04-21T00:00:00.000Z</swe:value>

                <gml:Point srsName="">
                  <gml:pos>34.7 -72.73</gml:pos>

                  <sml:output name="Sea Water Temperature">
                    <swe:Quantity definition=""/>
                  <sml:output name="Dissolved Oxygen">
                    <swe:Quantity definition=""/>



  <!-- No additional members are expected because SOS DescribeSensor only allows a request for a single procedure-->
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