A list of links for Data Providers
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The following is a list of links for data providers and web applications developers that provide the means to create new deployments, upload conforming DAC NetCDF files, view data set status and programmatically interface with the DAC via a RESTful API.

Data Provider Utilities

The IOOS Compliance Checker is a python based tool for data providers to check for completeness and community standard compliance of local or remote netCDF files against metadata standards. This web based tool can be used to check your GliderDAC netCDF files for compliance. Be sure to select GliderDAC in the list of available tests to run.

Submitting Data

See the section on New Deployment Registration for more details.

Access to the datasets submitted to the DAC is provided via ERDDAP and THREDDS. The access points are:

Dataset Status

Status page for the GliderDAC


This endpoint provides a list of each of the glider deployments in the DAC.

IOOS Resources

The following is a list of links to IOOS projects related to the DAC: